Fibrillar tear is a partial or complete tear in striated muscle tissue and can be classified according to its severity. A slight tear, or strain, occurs when muscle fibers have been stretched, some may even be broken. The movement can be painful but it will be complete. In a moderate tear, there is a partial breakdown of muscle fibers, the contraction of the muscle is very painful, and there is a slight depression of the muscle belly and edema.

With total rupture, intense pain appears, with total incapacity of the muscle and the presence of a large hematoma. Tears of this degree can be treated with surgical intervention.
The causes of a fibrillary rupture in the corridor are usually due to a lack of warm-up, poor or shortened muscles, fatigue, or direct trauma. When this injury occurs, it is important to follow the RICE protocol (rest, ice, compression and elevation. That is, apply rest, ice, compression and elevation).
Subsequently, we will visit our therapist to evaluate and apply the appropriate treatment depending on the severity of the injury. Fibrillar tears are usually treated with rest and after a few days (depending on severity), with Cyriax deep transverse massage to increase blood supply and stimulate cell regeneration, anti-inflammatory radiofrequency, muscle toning exercises and stretching.

Lately, in the field of physiotherapy, the use of ultrasound scanners has been on the rise to monitor the evolution of this type of injury and to guide its treatment. As a prevention method for muscle tears, it is recommended to do a good warm-up before starting to run, to have the muscles prepared, and to do stretches once the training is over, to flex the muscle, relax it and oxygenate it.
Remember that exceeding our limits increases the possibility of tearing, so we must be aware of our effort capacities.
